Quick Notes To Those Who May, Or May Not Read Them:

Dear Abs: I really hope you're feeling better, cause the place just isn't the same without ya. Who can I complain to? Who organizes gatherings? Who will take me to the Druid? Come back soon! I miss Moosaki.

Andrew: I'm such a flake, and I suck as a friend lately. Next Sunday for sure... and lunch after too! P.S. I think I work the lock-in so I won't be able to go. Jeez. I'm the worst. Ok... Two lunches!

Bee: BBQ? Bring What? Come on Fearless Leader! I've also had a super craving for more pasta. We must do that again soon. on a weekday after work or something. I'm almost missing school cause of our lack of contact. Call me or something.

Bethany: Keep me updated on the situation with operation island search. I'm still up for the move. ;) P.S. Email me or something, gosh!

Channy: See you in Jasper. And Smurfy Smurfy Monkey.

Erin: The thing I miss most is hanging out with you and having you tell me how to improve my taste. Call me. Email me. Update me. Oh yeah, and come visit too.

Jess: Don't get yourself down. It'll pass. Remember your goals and keep working towards them. We only tease you because we love you. You deserve every good thing. In the mean time, try to find at least one thing that will make you smile. Or call me and I'll make you think of 5. Remember that? I'll do it again.

Kev: You are crossing my mind more and more these days. I will have to write to you soon I think.

Marty: I'm hard on you because I know you can achieve great things when you put your mind to it. But you spread yourself too thin. Make sure you've considered all of your options before doing anything you may regret. But know that I'll do what I can to support you whatever you choose.

Michee: Keep me up to date on all the gossip. I'm still floored that everyone's pregnant. Keep in touch, and next time I'm in town, we'll do some serious hanging out.

Paige: You stopped writing again. I worry. I miss all the notes and guestbook entries. Come back.

Ry'n: You crazy goober. You're one of the best storytellers I know. We all know you'll win in the end. But if it happened too quickly, well, they can't make a movie out of that. This is turning into a bit of a yearbook entry so um... keep on truckin?!

Shaun: You're in my thoughts and prayers. Let me know if there's anything I can do, or anything you need and keep me updated on the situation. I'll do whatever I can.

Stef: You see right through me. I hate it but I respect you for it. Keep callin me on my bullshit.

Sunshine: I will SO be up at 7...ish!

Zian: Glucose Fructose meets Festival Day.... what'da'ya say? meet me under the pineapple tree to discuss the marketing possibilities of hopscotch on Flag day.

To Everyone Else: Me Love You Long Time. Seek truth. Live passionately. Don't let go.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written July 08, 2005 @ 9:33 pm by dee