Theres A Hole In My Theory Dear Liza!

Uh... apparently I'm supposed to write in this thing, to remind you all that I am alive and well. Also to let you learn of the goings-on in my life, so you can laugh and cry and be amused or entertained by my existance.

Because in the end we're all here to serve. In some way.

But I'm just not feeling it today.

It's not that I'm upset or sad or frustrated or anything else. Actually I came home pretty relaxed. It's "Friday night" (actually Saturday Morning) so that's great. Plus one of the people that I work with, whom I find to be arrogant and self-involved, is leaving to pursue a government job (how fitting).

One of the other guys, who is quite a nice guy, has split up with his wife. This makes me very sad. I really hope they work things out.

In other news, Michelle yelled at the new guy for not giving the proper hand-off to the day shift. He didn't tell them what was going on in his department, he just left. Michelle tracked him down and tore a strip into him. He said he wasn't told and didn't know. She said "you can't use that excuse forever." I think they were both wrong.

Gee, for not having very much to say today, I guess I did. Oh well... There's always tomorrow.

(Sorry for boring you with the minute details of my existance. Thanks for reading anyway.)

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-09-27 @ 9:57 am by dee