Sentimental Gush About Where I Wasn't

Didja miss me?

Did you even notice I was gone?!

Yeah. Lifes like that sometimes. Sometimes people will be sending you emails asking where you've been and if you're ok and that will creep you out a little, cause after all, it was only 3 days... or whatever.

And sometimes you will be gone for EIGHT (8) days. With no trace. And no one notices. (hahaha) alright. I'm getting a little silly here. A little self indulgent I guess. Thinking that everyone out there hangs on my every word and cannot fathom getting through a day without reading this site.

In any case first our dsl went down, then they sent the computer in for maintenance and because it was a long weekend we didn't get it back until today.

So here I am. Back in all my glory. Desperatly trying to think of even one idea I had for writing about during those past 8 days.


Oh well. I tried.


Maybe that's why you don't miss me.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-09-02 @ 6:52 pm by dee