When It Rains It Pours

If things continue to occur in the way they have been going I may just break down in tears.

  • The Jujee is on a serious downward spiral and at this rate it may mean a trip back to the ward.

  • Not to mention that I've learned some things about people I thought I knew very well that not only made me sick, but also made me seriously question how well I know anyone.

  • The review assignment I had procrastinated on forever was completed. But I'm mad at myself for leaving it so long and I know it's not my best work. I'm concerned about the mark I will get on it.

  • I got a group assignment back today and only got a B+ on it. Which is not terrible, but I was sure we nailed it. I was also the person who convinced the group to go with the approach we did, which is the main reason we lost marks.

  • At the beginning of the year, in orientation, they told us not to pick groups based on who we were sitting by, but to pick people who were aligned with similar goals in mind. I have worked hard to find many people whom I think I work well with, who have similar ideas of what a "good" mark is. Then today, we were randomly assigned groups for a major project which is worth 20% of my final mark. This project may determine whether I qualify for Scholarships or not. (Not that it will matter much because I got denied for 10 different Bursaries and my average will probably not be high enough for scholarships.) I ended up with a fairly decent group, but the topic we were assigned to is one I have absolutely no knowledge of. While others have projects on Retail, Utilities Providers and the like, we are stuck with a Mining and Metals company which I had never even heard of before today. We only have two weeks to do this 3000 word paper.

  • I'm still completely broke because I still can't get my final cheque from my last place of employment and if I don't get to a bank soon my internet connection will be shut off.

  • Speaking of which, I am so ticked off at the way this company is operating. They never sent me any bills at all until I requested them, but they were quite hasty to determine that I wasn't paying them on time. They called me once to tell me a payment was due, which I made immediately in the amount told to me by the guy on the phone. Apparently that payment wasn't processed because the amount he quoted me was without tax. So they called again saying that I was now two months over due. To which I replied that 1. I had already made the first payment and 2. the second payment wasn't due for another 5 days. It was only then that they tried to explain that their billing process is different than every other company ever. Which means I now owe them a month of back payment in addition to the current months payment.

  • On top of all this, I have heartburn, I still haven't seen a doctor since the recall of my perscription, and I'm utterly exhausted from the stress of everything.

  • Oh yeah, also, my USB ports don't work on this computer which means I can't download my digital camera pics. I can't use my webcam and I can't upload new music onto my MP3 Player. Now, my computer is busted even further and won't play any sounds, no music, no game sounds or anything except that annoying warning chime it does to be obnoxious. I didn't change anything or add anything. It just stopped working.
What a great time I'm having.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written November 08, 2004 @ 4:07 pm by dee