Computer Skills and Coloring

Uh... I guess I should update. Or Whatever.

So Last night was pretty good. I actually woke up on time (without the aid of an alarm... which is good because the power went out and it wouldn't have gone off anyway). Erin made me a grilled cheese sandwich *gurgle*. I love me some grilled cheese. Then I go to work. Sabrina's there. She talked to The Jack. She's doing well, all things considered. She went out today, to buy some things for the funeral. It's a start.

So me and Sabrina were down in meats (and by that I mean the meat office) all night and it was going pretty slow but good (and by that I mean I passed the time by doing little annoying things that made Sabrina laugh and get annoyed at the same time). Then comes 5:30 am our boss calls down and talks to Sabrina, who then tells me that we are going to a meeting. Not just any meeting... it's training. Photocopier Training.

That's right boys and girls. PHOTOCOPIER TRAINING. I kid you not. So We go upstairs with a few other people to listen to a guy from Ikon explain to us how to work the new photocopiers. He tells us all about how it's not just a photocopier, it's a printer, and a scanner, and a fax, and blah blah blah. I actually found some of the tricks he showed us kind of cool but most people reading this would be bored to tears so I won't go into details. Suffice to say it was photocopier training... with a couple extra buttons.

So 45 minutes later we go back downstairs and still have 1 hour to kill before the end of the shift. We decide to play with the "new toy". So we started scanning stuff on the copier and sending it to our desktop where we'd edit it and such. But it wasn't set up right at first. So I fiddled around with it and made it work. Then we were playing with some of the cool tricks it does like stamping signatures on it and what not.

But I digress. So the Ikon guy is downstairs and sees us playing. We start laughing and he's like "No keep playing, that's how you learn". Then Lynn said something about how I fixed it to make it work on her computer and he started joking about how I should work for them. In any case, it ended up with him giving me some "inside tips" on new oportunities at Ikon that may be coming up. Which might not be a bad thing. But I don't know if I could... or even if he was serious. Anyway, I was flattered.

Then the girls started making fun, saying he was hitting on me (which he wasn't. And they were just all jealous anyway [haha]). So then I starting making fun of them by pointing out people on the floor that had 'crushes' on them. It was amusing. Then it was home time. Then I got A&W for breakfast. It was yummy. I wanted to order a Rootbeer, but I thought they might think that to be kind of strange considering it's 8am.

Oh well... next time Gadget... Next time!

Ok so now I go to bed and do this two more times then I get a day off. I think I'm going to go to the funeral... I'm still making up my mind... I don't know. Color me indecisive.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-08-13 @ 8:59 am by dee