It's Who, Not What

Alright, it's been another couple of days between entries... you know how life gets in the way.

I've been having a really hard time keeping up with people lately. I haven't talked to my dad in more than a month, and there some people I'm very bad at keeping in touch with. It seems like there's never enough time in the day. Some seem to be avoiding me, some I can never get ahold of and others I speak to so often, that we never actually talk anymore. Does that make any sense?

I'm going to have to assume you said yes to that one because it's almost 1:00 am now and I have to work tomorrow. Again. I took an earlier shift for a guy who is teaching Sunday school tomorrow. How can you say no to that kind of request? That's like asking to be struck by lightning or something. And anyway, he's a pretty decent guy and I'm sure I'll need the favor repaid someday.

Anyway, one last thing before I go. I was running through my blogging favorites today and I came across this entry. I had never really considered that before and though I was able to come up with an answer I'm still not sure I'm ready to live it. It's worth considering for your own life. What are you living for?

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written February 06, 2005 @ 12:26 am by dee