A Hat Full Of Love

Work I still hate. A lot. There are now a total of 5 of us on staff, when there should be 10-15. This makes for a busy and stressful day.

We've got a new manager who's learning the ropes, which means a lot of screw ups.

But the people I work with rock! I went out for coffee today with Allie and Abbie and I had the best time. We met up with Allie's friend and just all sat around talking. They are so damn funny. We were laughing about the stupidest things. It made for a great end to a terrible day.

It is kind of strange to me that I have five different groups of friends now. (work friends, school friends, club friends, net friends and old friends) It used to be that I had one very small group of people that I was comfortable with and cared about enough to hang out with. Partly because I wasn't outgoing enough to talk to other people I guess. And partially because people never really got me. I have a very strange sense of humor sometimes and it takes a little getting used to for some people.

Anyway, the point is, these new people are all awesome. In fact, outside the setting of our initial meeting, it's hard for me to believe that our paths would ever cross. But I'm glad they did... because they rock.

That goes for all of you.

I know this entry stopped making sense a while ago, I appologize, but I'm really tired. At least I'm making the effort right?

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written April 09, 2005 @ 8:54 pm by dee