Why Does NOTHING Ever Go My Way?

Recently, every good day I have, turns bad and every bad day turns worse.

I had an awesome day today. I went shopping with the girls and had enough will power not to buy myself anything (for once). Gayle bought us lunch. Everything was good. Then Erin and Skim and I decided to go to a movie tonight. We saw the In-Laws, which was really good but not what I was expecting. And in the words of Erin there was "not enough Ryan". But good movie. And I love spending time with them.

However, when I came home I realized that there is really no way for me to take this job. So I'm job hunting again. ARGH I feel so bad, because I know everyone was trying to find a way to help me keep it but with all these complication I just don't think it's meant to be.

I'm so frustrated. I almost feel like I should just move back home. It would just be easier. I don't know. Nothing ever turns out as I expect it to. I'm going to have to ponder this one a bit. Wish me luck.

I'm going to my room to watch VeggieTales then I'm going to bed.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-06-07 @ 10:59 pm by dee