Multiple Personalities Or Just A Stupid Girl?

I am my own worst enemy. Seriously. No one can do more damage to me than I do. It's just not possible.

Case in point: Last night, I decided it would be a good idea to stay up until 4am, while still somehow managing to avoid anything remotely productive.

Finally coming to my senses I thought I should make up for yesterday by going to church this morning, thereby giving me a reason to get up before... 3pm. This worked, until I got home after brunch with my favorite Andrew. At this point, my self-destructive personality took over and I not only considered taking a nap, I actually followed through. IDIOT!

I am not a napper. Most people are able to rest for 30 mins to 1 hour, and wake up refreshed and renewed. I have to set my alarm, or I won't wake up at all. So I slept for three hours.

Then I woke up, rather groggy and disoriented and finally decided I should start some of my readings for the week. But I was hungry, so it seemed like a good idea to eat. An even better idea at the time was to eat and watch tv, thereby maximizing entertainment time will minimizing unproductiveness. Um... Hello? Dee? You Freakin' Retard! They call it the idiot box for a reason.

So many many minutes later I finally start my readings. Then I realize that I can't focus on this stupid book, I'm going crazy. But I have to finish at least this one chapter. Eventually, with much struggle, I do. Then I realize that it's Midnight. I still have to do the dishes and I was hoping to get my room cleaned up and some laundry done before tomorrow.

This wouldn't be such a terrible situation if I didn't have to be up in 6 hours. But I do. I have an 8 am class that I can't miss, followed by another class which, though boring as all get out, I also can't miss. Followed by a meeting on which my entire GPA rests, followed by a presentation I'm required to give for another class. And at some point tomorrow I have to make a few calls to find out information that was already left as a message on my answering machine that was erased before I could even hear it.

This means I will be running around on one of the most important days of this semester on less than 3 hours sleep. And yet, here I am, writing this all down, not only so you can be entertained by my idiocies, but so that I can remember this moment and how completely I always manage to sabotage myself with the most minimal effort.

Ain't life grand?

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written November 22, 2004 @ 12:50 am by dee