The Morning Show With Crankypants

To explain just how craptastic yesterday was would be to relive it. So just to show a bit of how bad it was, here is an example: My day was going so bad that when I found a dvd I forgot to return I almost started to cry. Seriously. I hate crying. I almost never cry. That's how bad it was.

Moving on... I now work for the man. or I guess, I'm no longer a temp employee. Good? Bad? We'll see I guess. I'm on my current shift for at least a couple of weeks more and then hopefully I'll have a car, if not, I'll have a new job... or at least I'll be looking for one. Wish me luck on that.

In other news, there's a giant dead moth stuck to the wall just above my computer monitor, which is making it difficult to focus on what I'm doing. Why not just remove it? Cause that's just gross! And I've had a hard day... pity me.

On the plus side, there was no road kill on the way home, which always makes for a pleasant drive.

And that's the kind of day it's been. Thank you for joining us here at Dee's Journal. Please tune in next week when we find out how they really get the caramilk in the chocolate bar.

(SIDE NOTE: Our Theme Song Today Is Twenty-Four - By Switchfoot)

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-06-25 @ 6:55 am by dee