Kids And Their Toys

Ok so technically that last entry wasn't "really" mine. And technically it was all war issues based even though I promised myself I wouldn't get all caught up in all that like everyone else has. So I am sitting here feeling guilty and I decided that the only way to rid myself of that feeling is to write another entry.

But I keep getting distracted by reading other peoples diaries and giving facelifts to my own.(Which by the way are giving my lots of headaches. And considering that I am new to this whole "how you say 'HTML'" I think I'm doing a bang-up job. But I digress.) So I am now... 3 hours late for bed. But I will update again out of loyalty for my readers.

Plus something kinda funny just happened to me.

Have you ever been laying in bed with your hands on your stomach? Have you ever inadvertently stuck a finger in your bellybutton and thought "Gee, I wonder what else would fit in there"?**

Well I did yesterday. Forgive me, it was one of those really overtired, almost feeling drunk, not making any sense, kinda things. In any case I happened to look over to my nightstand and what happened to be sitting right on top and was the right size to stick in my bellybutton? My foam earplugs. So of course in my sleep-drunk state I decided to test my theory. Yes I stuck a foam earplug into my belly button and promptly fell asleep. I discovered it there today when I showered. I was a little creeped out at first I thought I was dying but then I started to remember my sleep-drunk moment and I laughed. Then I thought I should share this story with you. I'm so embarassed now. I think I'm going to go hide.

**This story, by the way, does not have to do with anything in anyway sexual. It's kind of like when a little kid sticks a pea in his nose or swallows a dime. I mean you KNOW there's nothing twisted going on, just a little bit of good ol' fashioned curiosity. Anyway, I just thought I'd clear that up.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-03-26 @ 10:23 am by dee