My Hidden Agenda

I checked out to find out my hidden biases... this is what I found out.

Disability bias: slight preference for able-bodied people

American Identity (Native American): slight automatic association between American and Native faces

Sexual Orientation bias: slight preference for straight

Racial bias (Arab/Muslim): little or no automatic preferance

Racial bias (Weapons): moderate automatic association between African Americans and weapons

Racial bias (Black/White Children): slight perferance for white children

Racial bias (skin tone): slight perference for dark skin tone

American Identity (Asian American): inconclusive result - too many mistakes

Age bias: strong automatic preference for young

Gender bias: little or no automatic gender association with science or liberal arts

Body Image bias: strong automatic preference for thin

it's interesting what one can learn about one's self when one doesn't know the answers. (That's a lot of ones).

P.S. Good luck today Ghostie

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-08-04 @ 9:29 am by dee