Well What Do Ya Know

Hey Friend,

Just wanted to let you know that last night, work was not only bearable, but fun. There was barely any work to be done by the time we got in at 8. We spent most of the night just joking around and talking (not to mention the elastic band fights).

I love saturday nights, when it's all quiet, and none of the bosses are in except the fun one and the one we make fun of.

Everyone was so excited about my trip. Karl kept giving me a countdown. "At this time tomorrow, you'll be drunk and passed out on the plane." That guy is so crazy. Silly Newf. He always goes around saying "God love your cotton drawers!" (but with the Newfie accent).

So I guess I just wanted to tell you that not every day is a giant stinkfest. And my workplace is pretty retarded, but it has it's good days too.

Ok. Bye.


the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-11-02 @ 2:25 pm by dee