Where Did That Week Go?

191 entries and I've only been writing steadily since January 01, 2003... So if we minus the 12 entries done before I "really" started... thats... (don't help me) 179 entries.

That means I missed 5 days! Thats almost one whole week of missed entries... and I'm beginning to see that entries such as this one have a lot to do with that... I have absolutely nothing to say.

Nothing's changed. I'm still bitter. I'm still tired. A little hungry. You know how it is...

But I've got my two new hoodies from and they are the BEST hoodies EVER! I love them. They are my new favorite clothes. If I could, I'd wear them together... But I can't so I'll just have to be satisfied with wearing one or the other each day until I die. Mmm Strong Bad Hoodie... And you'd think that being summer and all I'd be sweltering. But you'd be wrong for three reasons my friend. 1. It is a really light material hoodie. 2. I work in a refridgerated environment and 3. I'm up when the sun is not.. therefore less hot!

WHOO HOO... The Cheat hoodie... All is well... kind of.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-07-02 @ 7:15 am by dee