The One Where I Talk A Lot But Nothing Gets Said

I've got so much to do, and yet I'm sitting here, feeling bored, not knowing what, if anything, to write here. Wow, that was a long sentence. I'm turning into Bee. I bought a new computer. It's all shiny and fun. Though I am having a bit of buyer's remorse. It's such a big decision. I'm hoping I made the right one.

In other news school starts in two days. Major mixed emotions there. Really not looking forward to the 8 am class. In fact, I'm really not so sure this is even the program I'm supposed to be in. I'm starting to feel like I should be looking into ministry work, non-profits and the like. Not only am I not even sure where to begin with that, I know that I need to finish this year before starting any new adventures... it's the grown-up thing to do after all.

I've finally cleaned my room... well kind of. There are still tons of things to do, but the basics have been accomplished. If only I could keep myself motivated enough to finish what I've started.

I'm feeling a little anxious, a little restless, kinda hungry and sort of bored. Overwhelmed even. What a strange combination.

Speaking of combinations... I have to try to remember the combination to my locker. I picked one out at school when I went to pick up my books. Hopefully I'll make use of it, but we'll see.

I suppose I should go and actually do something with the last bit of day I have left. Dang I wish I had a car.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written September 04, 2005 @ 8:33 pm by dee